Sleep problems? Find out about the sleep quality scale and learn how natural science-based supplements can help, such as omega 3, melatonin and more!
Sleep quality scale (SQS)
The sleep quality scale (SQS) is a measure of a person’s sleep quality. It is a self-report measure that asks people to rate their sleep quality on a scale of 1 (poor sleep quality) to 7 (excellent sleep quality).
This scale is accessible to everyone and can be easily filled out in a few minutes. However, it does not provide the necessary solutions for all sleep disorders that may be identified.
Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI)
The Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI) is a variant of the SQS and measures sleep quality. It is a self-report measure that asks questions about sleep habits and sleep quality over the past month.
The PSQI has been shown to be a reliable and valid measure of sleep efficiency and has more questions than the Sleep quality scale (SQS). However, this scale also does not show natural ways to sleep better.
With these scales it is possible to have an analysis about possible sleep disorders. But none of these scales indicate the possible solution to improve the quality of your sleep and today this is possible!
Quality vs quantity of sleep
The quality of your sleep directly interferes with your overall rest. If you don’t get enough sleep or your sleep is not good, you will not rest well and your next day is likely to be unproductive, which is why many people seek to understand the sleep quality scale.
This lack of rest can lead to health problems such as increased blood pressure, heart disease, and stroke.
The amount of sleep will cause you to sleep for many hours, however the quality of sleep is also related to the depth of sleep, as well as your physical and mental conditions.
Signs of Sleep Deprivation
Sleep deprivation is more than just feeling tired; its effects permeate various aspects of our daily lives, affecting both mental and physical well-being. One of the most notable signs is daytime dysfunction, which manifests as an overwhelming urge to sleep during daylight hours, affecting productivity and focus.
This can lead to challenges in concentrating, mood changes such as irritability or heightened emotional responses, and even reduced memory capacity. As individuals grapple with these effects, many turn to sleeping medication as a remedy. While these medications can offer temporary relief, they may come with their own set of potential side effects and might not address the root causes of sleep deprivation.
Quality sleep is more than just sleeping 8 hours a day, it’s about sleeping well and waking up in a good mood. Thus, we see that sleeping the right amount and sleeping well must go hand in hand. To help you with this, we will give you practical tips that will help you sleep:
Sleep the correct amount of hours for your age group
This is not the only point of a good night’s sleep, but it is important! Getting the right amount of sleep helps your body complete the proper sleep cycle, aiding in all the processes your body practices during the night.
- 0-3 months / 14-17 hours
- 4-11 months / 12-15 hours
- 1-2 years / 11-14 hours
- 3-5 years / 10-13 hours
- 6-13 years / 9-11 hours
- 14-17 years / 8-10 hours
- 18-64 years / 7-9 hours
- 65+ years / 7-8 hours
Have a fixed time to go to sleep and wake up
Going to sleep and waking up at the same time every day helps regulate your internal clock and, consequently, improve the quality of your sleep. If you want to sleep well and have more energy during the day, it is important to set a schedule for going to sleep and follow this routine every day of the week.
Don’t eat harsh foods before bedtime
Eating strong foods before bed can be very unpleasant and even dangerous. Strong foods can cause acid reflux, which can irritate your throat and cause difficulty breathing. It can also interfere with your sleep and leave you feeling uncomfortable during the night.
To avoid this, eat light, easy-to-digest foods before bed. Foods like fruits, vegetables, soups, and cereals are great to eat before bed. They will help you sleep better and avoid the problems caused by strong foods.
Keep your room suitable for good sleep
The bedroom is a sacred environment at bedtime, to improve the quality of your rest make sure to keep your room well ventilated, try to use a comfortable pillow to keep your spine aligned, and place a humidifier in your room to keep the air humid.
Also, keep the room dark and if possible, don’t use your room as an office or work area, reserve your room only for sleeping and relaxing.
Supplements that improve sleep quality
Sleep is affected by several factors, including sleep duration, latency, and the number of awakenings during the night. Each of these sub-areas has its own particularities and interferes with the sleep quality scale, but supplementation can help in each of them!
- Sleep latency refers to the time it takes to fall asleep, and some supplements that can help decrease this time are: Melatonin, Valerian, Chamomile, Passion flower and Theanine.
- Sleep duration is the total time one stays asleep. The table shown in this text presents the appropriate average for each and natural supplementation helps in this without bringing side effects and with scientific proof, being the supplements: Melatonin, Passion flower, Chamomile, Valerian and Saffron.
- The number of awakenings during the night can interfere with sleep and can also be an indicator of other problems, such as insomnia or sleep apnea. Supplements such as Melatonin, Theanine, Chamomile, Ashwagandha and Saffron help and can better control these awakenings, increasing your quality of sleep.